
2nd - 8th Grade

From Grassroots to Greatness

We believe every kid deserves a chance to shine on the field.

Our affordable recreational soccer program nurtures talent, builds confidence, and fosters a lifelong love for the sport.

Get your child in the game and watch them reach their full potential!

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One of Oregon's largest recreational soccer programs

Get Stronger

Weekly Practice & Games

Gain Confidence

Learn about discipline and hard work

Make Friendships

Play with friends and make new ones

Recreational Soccer Seasons

SESC is a member club of Portland Youth Soccer Association (PYSA).

Season Dates Practices Games Status
Spring April - May 0 6 Registration Open
Fall Sept - Nov 2 7-8 Registration Closed

Recreational Divisions and Pricing

Division Grade Fall Price 1 Spring Price 1:2
U8 2nd Grade $100 $75
U9 3rd Grade $100 $75
U10 4th Grade $100 $75
U11 5th Grade $100 $75
U12 6th Grade $100 $75
U13 7th Grade $100 $75
U14 8th Grade $100 $75


  1. Financial assistance is available. Please let us know at checkout if you are in need of financial assistance. 2

What to expect

What's it like playing for SESC?

Registration opens a few months before the season starts. If you register your child early enough, you can request which team they would like to be placed on and we will do our best to make that happen. Otherwise, your child will be placed on the grade-level team that has an opening.

Practice/Game times and locations

Putting teams together, getting coaching volunteers, and obtaining field permits for practices are always very difficult and unpredictable.

Because of this, we will not know where or when teams will practice until just before the season begins. But we can tell you that practices will likely be 1-2 days a week, at a time after school hours but before it gets dark, at a local SE Park or School. Until we are given fields and times by PYSA and the city, we can not tell you when or where practices will be.

Similar story for games - but we can tell you that recreational games will always be on Saturdays and within the Portland Metro area.

We will do our best to communicate as soon as we can through your team's coach about when and where practices will be.

If you need practices to be on specific days and times, we encourage you to volunteer to coach and you will be given a coach's survey before we allocate fields and times where you can request specific days, times, and locations.

Equipment and Gear

Coaches will be supplied with the gear they need for practices and games.

Players are expected to purchase uniforms (blue SESC jersey with blue shorts and socks from our Tursi store) and soccer equipment... things like:

  • Soccer Cleats

  • Shin-guards

  • Soccer Ball (check with your coach for ball size)

  • Water bottle

  • Sports bag or backpack (optional)

There is a "gear exchange" program where you can pick up used gear. Head over to the Facebook Group to learn more or check out the Gear Exchange spreadsheet.

Volunteer coaches needed

Every SESC team is coached by one or more adult volunteers.

As a thank you for attending one of our free coach trainings, coaches will receive a special discount on their child's registration.

If you are interested in being a head coach, assistant coach or team manager - you can sign up as a part of player registration. Look for volunteer opportunities in Sports Connect as you are registering your child.