Competitive Tryouts
May 6th - 18th, 2024

Competitive Tryouts are in early May
Every year in early May our competitive program hosts tryouts for all returning players and any new players interested in joining a competitive team.
Who can attend
Anyone interested in joining the competitive program is welcome to register for tryouts.
Have you been playing on a recreation team and want more?
Does it seem a little too easy and you don't feel challenged?
Do you just really love soccer and want to get better?
Are you hoping to play in high school or beyond?
Are you playing at another club but it's not working out and need a change?
Come try out!
Come check out our program and see if your age's team and coaches are a good fit for you.
How to attend
In April we will release information about where and when tryouts will be.
There's a small fee to tryout, and we ask that those planning on attending register through our registration system.