Coach Information
Everything you need to know about coaching a Mighty Mite's team.

Thank you!
First and foremost, thank you for volunteering to coach! You are making a difference in the lives' of our kids!
Frequently Asked Coaching Questions
We want you to have a successful time! If, after reading through this, you find you have additional questions, please feel free to email them to
- This is my first time coaching, what do I do?
No worries, there are no prerequisites for this job! While the main objective is to introduce the new players to the fundamentals of the game of soccer your role is to ensure they have fun doing it. In many cases, this will be their first sporting experience and it’s important that they have fun. While there are many skills to learn in soccer, some of the most important ones have nothing to do with handling the ball. Learning to listen to a coach, follow instructions and work with other players are vital to any team sport.
- I just got my roster, what’s the next step?
The first thing to do is to contact your team parents. There are a number of topics you will need to address with them, to provide them information about practices, games, equipment a number of other topics (See the Parent Welcome email template). The best method to convey this level of detail is through the on-line system. There are email facilities that will make this easy. However, you do need to follow up with each parent to make sure they are getting the information, at least initially, Do this by having them respond to you directly. Anyone not responding, you should follow up with a phone call.
- What do I need to tell my team parents?
Where to start…
- Practices: where and what time they will be
- Games: where and what time they will be
- Pictures: where and what time they will be
See a pattern here?
You may not have all this information at one time so you may have to dole it out as you get it. The club works hard to get rosters and schedules out in a timely manner after registration closes but there are always last minute changes that disrupt the flow. Keep your eye on emails for the dates and if you are missing any details, don’t hesitate to contact the Mighty Mites Coordinator at
- I don't have a coaching philosophy... help?!?
Don’t have a philosophy? Here’s one that’s easy to get behind:
My philosophy for this age group is very simple: have as much fun as possible. At this age, we focus on games which give the player as much time with the ball as possible. We’re not concerned about scoring or winning (we don’t keep score). We’ll work on basic ball control skills like dribbling, stopping the ball and kicking the ball in addition to understanding the basic concepts and rules of the game.